Artist of the month

John On Air (Jonathan Pagé)

ARTIST OF THE MONTH OF MARCH John On Air (Jonathan Pagé) Louiseville (Trois-Rivières) How did you discover collage? I was introduced to collage through a  friend of mine a long time ago. Collage just took a larger place in my life when I stopped painting. What did you like about the collage medium? I love […]

Véronica Dragnef

ARTIST OF THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY Véronica Dragnef Montréal How did you discover collage? During a workshop with the inspiring Jaber Lutfi. I realized I can paint and prepare my own papers and play with those. It just goes to show you that I never did it in kindergarten. What did you like about the […]

Alain Reno

ARTIST OF THE MONTH OF JANUARY Alain Reno Montréal How did you discover collage? By skimming the high school and CEGEP libraries: Raushenberg and the Pop Schwitters and Dada, Polish posters and Bob Dylan. What did you like about the collage medium? The spontaneity and the beauty in happenstance. How would you describe your style? […]

Richard Raymond

ARTIST OF THE MONTH OF DECEMBER Richard Raymond Montréal How did you discover collage? In 2008, my spouse started doing collage after a workshop at the Museum of Contemporary Arts. I was fascinated by the technique and the results.  What did you like about the collage medium? Just looking at the material, I get inspired! […]

The duo Mackay / Marois

ARTIST OF THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER The duo Mackay Marois Lévis How did you discover collage? While working on creating stained glass windows, we were looking for a medium that would make use of our experience as stained glass artists while continuing to work in symbiosis. Nancy had a lot of fun with picture she […]

Anouk Sugàr

ARTIST OF THE MONTH OF OCTOBER AnoukSugàr Montréal How did you discover collage? I came across collage as teenager, as I was discovering the Dadaïst movement and artists such as Max Ernst, Hannah Hoech, Kurt Schwitters and many others. What did you like about the collage medium? Collage has no limits in terms of technique, […]

Mara Laika

ARTIST OF THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Mara Laika Montréal How did you discover collage? When I was a teenager, I used to enjoy cutting out magazine images that I found beautiful and/or striking. Eventually, I instinctively began placing them in juxtaposition from each other, but it took me a long time before I dared to […]

Michèle F.Bérard

ARTIST OF THE MONTH OF AUGUST MichèleF.Bérard Montréal How did you discover collage? I discovered collage in University, when I took a painting class taught by David Elliot and who introduced us to this technic. What do you like about the collage medium? It’s a tool that allowed me lead me to learn and develop […]

Stéphanie Filion

ARTIST OF THE MONTH OF JULY Stéphanie Filion Montréal How did you discover collage? I’ve been doing collage since I was a teenager.  I like paper and everything related to it: bookbinding, origami, the printed arts. In 2019, in the midst of writer’s block, I began to cut and paste intensely. I found folders full […]

Frederick Ouellet

ARTIST OF THE MONTH OF JUNE FrederickOuellet Montréal How did you discover collage? I’ve been doing collage for a really long time, but in the beginning, it was more for color test and quick sketches. But in the winter of 2019, I deepened my approach in this direction and started big thematic series. What did […]

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